The European Society for Prevention Research (EUSPR)

Contingut en l'idioma per defecte











GIFES, as an active member of the European Society for Prevention Research (EUSPR)’s Education and Training Committee participates in the UPC-Adapt project (HOME/2015/JDRU/AG/DRUG programme of the European Commission).

The project aims at adapting and pilot-implementing the Universal Prevention Curriculum in Europe, which is a prevention training curriculum, developed by the APSI (Applied Prevention Science International) based on UNODC’s International Standards on Drug Use Prevention and the EDPQS (European Drug Prevention Quality Standards). The project will adapt the UPC in the 9 member states and will establish a pilot-training in three distinct modules: a short module, an extended academic module and an online module with an e-learning basis.

The objective of the project is to provide latest evidence-based training to professionals and scholars about effective prevention principles, which can be introduced into existing professional practices and cultures.